Frozen Embryo Transfer

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What is the best time to have a baby? This is a personal choice and the one that takes significant planning. As part of this planning process, you can make a choice of freezing your eggs. This may be done for any of the following reasons:

Right timing

You may not be yet ready to start a family. This may be due to various reasons such as school, travel, career or even not having met the right partner yet. Freezing your eggs helps you in the future when you plan to settle down and have kids.

Future planning

You may already have a child at home and you know that by the time you are ready for another one, you may be older and your egg supply may be affected. Freezing your eggs in your mid-to-late-30s helps you preserve your fertility for the future when the time comes to have your second child.

Medical Conditions

You may have certain medical conditions such as endometriosis or a family history of premature ovarian failure. You may be even undergoing treatment for cancer that may impair your ability to have children. Egg freezing helps you in keeping your options open for the future.


You may be confused about having children at this point of time. Freezing your eggs provides you with the possibility later on when you have much clarity and want to have children.

Getting started is very simple. All you need to do is to schedule an appointment with us in which you will also schedule ovarian reserve testing. During your consultation, your physician will review your current fertility and see if egg freezing is a good option for you.

How to improve fertility

Fertility Treatment is more than using sophisticated diagnosis, testing, powerful medications and high-tech procedures. Several couples do not realize that lifestyle has a significant effect on fertility. In this age where we live fast-paced lives, it is easy to overlook our lifestyle and its impact on our health. However, a few simple choices and simple lifestyle changes can impact fertility health and the ability to conceive in a positive way.

Here, we offer you helpful suggestions for making positive changes in your lifestyle and taking control of your health, in order to maintain healthy fertility, overcome infertility as well as help ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.